Ethel Lang Graham has written: 'Creative Yogurt Cooking (Weathervane)' 'Creative yogurt cooking' -- subject(s): Cookery (Yogurt)
The yogurt helps to tenderize your meat.
benefit fungi produce spore helps in producing of yogurt
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Yes, freezing can kill some yogurt cultures, which are beneficial bacteria that help ferment the milk into yogurt. When yogurt is frozen, the ice crystals that form can damage the cell walls of the bacteria, potentially reducing their effectiveness.
Yogurt can kill bacteria because of certain enzymes that are naturally in it.
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There is not any scientific evidence that alcohol can be used to avoid yogurt from getting sour. However, it is sometimes used to prevent yogurt from curdling while cooking.
Freezing yogurt can reduce the number of live probiotics, but it does not completely kill them. The freezing process can damage some of the probiotics, leading to a decrease in their effectiveness.
Freezing yogurt can reduce the number of live probiotics present, but it does not completely kill them. The freezing process can damage some of the probiotics, leading to a decrease in their effectiveness.
Greek yogurt is of nutritional benefit to one's body because it provides protein and calcium. Compared to regular yogurt, it provides more protein and less calcium.
No it doesn't to kill bacteria in frozen yogurt you would somehow disintegrate the bacteria which is impossible at this moment.