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Does chili's restaurant use organic beef for their burgers

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Q: Does chili's get their meat from slaughterhouses?
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Related questions

How did the meat packing industry change in the 1980s?

Slaughterhouses moved closer to the feedlots where the animals were raised

How does manure get into the meat at slaughterhouses and meat grinders?

The stomachs and intestines of the animals were not cleaned thoroughly.

What are some names of horses in slaughterhouses?

Horses in slaughterhouses do not have names anymore.

How do slaughterhouses treat there animals?

horrible. they abuse and torture the poor innocent animals. never eat meat. ever. go to for more information

Do chillies have flowers?

no <><><><> However, the PLANT that chilis grow on does have flowers- that turn into chilis.

Why did slaughterhouses get into meat processing?

A company that processed pork earned 10 times as much on every dollar of sales as a company that derived most of its income from slaughtering

What do slaughterhouses do with blood?

slaughterhouses put the animals to a large tub with drains they slice there neck to empty the blood out

How many cows are killed each year for footballs in the NFL?

It is estimated that around 3,000 cows are slaughtered each year to produce enough leather for all the footballs used in the NFL.

How much do slaughterhouses get?

a lot

How do chilis grow?

from trees

What is common reasons in FDA?

Upton sinclair's book "the Jungle" revealed disgusting truths about slaughterhouses and meat packaging plants that caused president roosevelt to create he Food and Drug Administration.

How many slaughterhouses are there in the US?