Recipe for Fried Bananas
3-4 ripe bananas, sliced once lengthwise & once crosswise (not plantains)
4 Tablespoons Butter
4 Tablespoons Brown Sugar
Melt 4 T butter in 8-10" frying pan
Add 4 T brown sugar
Cook 3 to 4 minutes at a low heat, simmering lightly, stirring constantly.
Add banana pieces, cook gently until done. Don't overcook, banana pieces shouldn't break apart.
Homemade family recipe. Been working for us.
Put some butter in a skillet and let it melt. Sprinkle in some brown sugar and a little cinnamon. Place the peeled and sliced bananas in the pan and cook them until they are browned lightly. Alternately, you can do that same thing without the sugar and cinnamon if you want a more savory dish.
The ingredients needed to make banana pancakes are the following: 1 cup of all-purpose flour, 1 tablespoon of white sugar, 2 teaspoons of baking powder, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, 1 beaten egg, 1 cup of milk, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, and 2 ripe bananas, mashed. Then one mixes all the ingredients together, until the batter has no more clumps. Then the making begins. And one can find recipes like this all over the internet. Like on websites such as AllRecipes or Krafts, or on the Food Network.
No one does.
The recipe for Kentucky Fried Chicken is a secret recipe and isn't available. There are, however, some Copycat Recipe sites with recipes pretty close to Kentucky Fried Chicken's recipe.
Recipe for deep fried coke balls
The recipe for Kentucky Fried Chicken is a secret recipe and isn't available. There are, however, some Copycat Recipe sites with recipes pretty close to Kentucky Fried Chicken's recipe.
Fried bananas
fried corn
Unripe bananas are green and quite firm. Green bananas are often fried and used as a vegetable in some recipes.
yes the usually eat them on the grill
Fried bananas berries and other sweet fruits are good in pancakes or on ice cream.
I have never made fried calamari myself (although I do enjoy it as a food), but I am given to believe that this is a good recipe to follow:
My fried egg recipe has no noodles. Take an egg and fry it. Do not add noodles.