

Does anyone eat ribs in the morning?

Updated: 11/9/2022
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11y ago

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no not everyone eat it like muslims

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Q: Does anyone eat ribs in the morning?
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Related questions

Are ribs horses ribs?

No, horse ribs are not the same as ribs from other animals like cows or pigs. Each animal has a different anatomy and structure to their ribs, which can impact their taste and cooking characteristics.

What kind of animals eat ribs?

Any carnivore would eat the ribs of another animal.

Do all pigs have the same number of ribs?

Pigs have ribs, but the ribs that we eat are not necessarily from pigs, cattle are also a source of ribs.

How do you maintain ribs?

You eat cheese

How do you use ribs in a sentence?

I could eat a whole rack of beef ribs! My uncle ribs me all the time about my red hair.

Do they eat pork ribs in Germany?


What happens if you eat bad ribs?

you get sick.

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Why did the ancient Egyptian pharaohs eat ribs?

They didn't.

What muscle are you eating when you eat ribs?

intercostal muscles

What are the animal skeletal muscles that you eat?

if you mean ribs it can be any animal.The most common are pork and buffallo ribs

Do ribs make you fatter?

it's all about calories, if you have ribs once a week and eat healthy otherwise than no. if you eat it every night than yes, they certainly will