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some liquids work and some don't

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Q: Does a lima bean seed germinate better in water milk vinegar orange juice or tea?
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Is an orange juice can be a vinegar?

Yes. orange juice also can be vinegar. Any fruits can be vinegar except, durian, longan, rambutan, jackfruit, starfruit and papaya.

Does a banana rot faster in orange juice or vinegar?

orange juice it takes 20 mins and in vinegar it takes 50 minutes

What does orange juice do to vinegar?

Mixing orange juice with vinegar will create a chemical reaction that produces carbon dioxide gas. This gas will cause bubbles to form and the mixture to fizz. The acidity of both the orange juice and vinegar will also be enhanced when combined.

Do tomato seeds germinate better in juice milk or water?

They germinate better in moist compost in the right conditions.

What has a lot of acid?

Vinegar,tomato sauce and juice, and orange juice

Which is better sunny delight or orange juice?

orange juice is better

How do you destroy the smell of orange?

lime juice or vinegar

Which will not burst an egg sprite vinegar Coca-Cola or orange juice?

Orange Juice. Orange Juice does not have enough acids to make the egg explode =, so therefore, orangejuice.

What some acids?

orange juice vinegar coke lemonade

What color does vinegar make when mixed with cabbage juice?


What is more reactive with baking soda orange juice or vinegar?

Lemon juice works bestl

Are vinegar an orange juice weak acids?

Yes, both vinegar and orange juice are considered weak acids due to their ability to release hydrogen ions in water. Vinegar contains acetic acid, while orange juice contains citric acid. These acids partially dissociate in water, contributing to their acidic properties.