Approx 930 of them.
Approx 930 of them.
The volume of a one-gallon milk jug is approximately 231 cubic inches. The volume of a quarter is about 0.069 cubic inches. Therefore, you could fit around 3,348 quarters in a one-gallon milk jug. With each quarter valued at $0.25, a one-gallon milk jug filled with quarters would amount to approximately $837.
3785.41mL fit in one US gallon.
How many starbursts can fit in a gallon jar
19 baseballs fit in a five gallon bucket
you can fit 12 mike and ikes in a gallon bottle
Very carefully.
you can fit 127 peeps in a gallon if you squish them in.
You can fit one betta in a 1 gallon tank, but nothing else.
none obviosly