when the expiration date is up
vegemite expiration date
The expiration date is in Julian code... Google that to get your expiration date.
By reading the expiration date on the can
Date of Expiration was created in 2002.
After something passes the expiration date, or expires, it's no longer considered good, or up to standard. You shouldn't eat any food or take any medicine that has passed the expiration date.
Most likely the expiration date.
Pecans can last for up to 6 months after the expiration date if stored properly in a cool, dry place.
The duration of Expiration Date - film - is 1.57 hours.
Draw expiration date
No, personal checks do not have an expiration date.
On the official website for CENOMAR, there is no mention of an expiration date. When you go to get a CENOMAR, ask about the expiration date.