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12y ago

of course it does.... it has sugar milk and other dairy products that ice cream is considered a junk food but people eat ice cream any way

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12y ago

It tastes creamy and sweet. There are all types of flavors

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13y ago

It tastes awesome and sorta tastes like french fries

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14y ago

Yes, of course ice cream tastes good!

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14y ago

it is a tasting tastes like ice

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15y ago

It tastes yummy.

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Q: Does Ice Cream taste good
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Related questions

Why do you taste Ice cream?

You have to taste a kind of ice cream and see if it is good.

What if you made the ice cream recipe without salt?

It probably wouldn't taste as good as regular ice-cream.

Is ice cream good for a stuffy nose?

Ice cream has no medicinal value at all. It is not "good" for anything other than a good taste in your mouth.

The indications that ice cream is not of very good quality?

You will get freeze burns and the ice cream would not have the amazing taste as of before

What was the purpose of the ice cream maker?

Ice cream tastes good and a lot of people wanted it and prepared to pay good money for it.Like a lot of good inventions, it supplied a need and a market.

Does ice cream taste good dipped in grease?

What a bizarre question... nothing would taste good dipped in grease.

Is there such thing as bacon ice cream?

No there's no such thing as Bacon Ice-cream, sorry and I'm not sure that would taste too good.

Will refreezing ice cream harm you?

no, If the ice cream melted to liquid, and then you refreeze it and then eat it. It wont have good taste quality. I say pitch it .

Why does ice cream taste like ice cream?

It has sugar and milk in it

Why do you have ice cream?

because ice cream taste delicious and i will feel happy after eat an ice cream

Do you have ice cream?

because ice cream taste delicious and i will feel happy after eat an ice cream

Good Ice Cream Recipes?

Ok, a good LOW FAT recipe would be PB2 ( TO BUY ) Smuckers no sugar no fat chocolate ( in the ice cream cone isle ) Kemp's Fat Free Sugar Free Ice Cream Then Mix PB2 and Ice Cream it will make a REALLY GOOD Peaunt Butter Ice Cream it will taste like a reeses pb cup!