

Does American cheese have egg

Updated: 10/6/2023
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βˆ™ 14y ago

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American cheese does have sugars. "Sugar" is debatable.... but sugars are a part of ALL biological products. So to say that ANY product connected with things that were once alive- ie. cows milk coming from cows. - has no sugars is just ignorant. That being said,... the question isn't weather it has sugar,.. the question is weather the BODY recognizes it as having sugar. The answer to that is DEFINITELY yes. -> side note for perspective. -> People debate things like "High Fructose Corn Starch". (not referring to American Cheese here, but bear with me) Often, often High fructose.... is referenced as being just like sugar by people wanting to sell it. Well in some ways it is, accept one BIG one. Sugars trigger an enzyme to help your body recognize that it is full. High fructose corn starch does not. they discovered that some time back, and it nearly built the modern "Yuck" Junk foods that flood the market today. ie. don't get full=eat more=sell more. One of the big reasons for this effect is that the high fructose corn starch is TOO smooth. Essentially certain oils can be refined WAY beyond what nature knows how to deal with. High fructose ... is an obvious one. However many kinds of creams used in cooking bear similar characteristics, and one example is the emulsifiers used in American cheese. These emulsifiers combined with the naturally occurring sugars in American cheese create one of the nastiest sugar clones i have ever heard of. and while it does not classify as "Sugar" legally, it is only because sugars are not refined to be THAT bad for you.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

No, cheese is dairy, whereas egg is a meat.

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