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Yes most hens require mineral to form an adequate shell for the egg. If they don't have enough calcium the shell is thin and easily broken. If they get too much calcium though the shell can become too thick and the chicks can have a difficult time to hatch.

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Q: Do your laying hens need minerals?
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What are layer crumbles?

Layer crumbles are a type of feed specifically formulated for laying hens to support egg production. They are typically a balanced blend of grains, protein sources, vitamins, and minerals to provide the necessary nutrients for optimal egg laying. The crumbled form makes it easier for hens to consume and digest.

Do you have to have a roaster to have laying hens?

No you dont

What do hens eat to make better eggs?

The food they need is commercially called Layer Formula/Laying mash or Layer pellets This food has the extra Protein,calcium, minerals and vitamins needed for good egg/shell production.

Do hens need layers pellits?

if you want your hens to lay eggs during there off season they will need laying pellets but watch during spring and summer and they will lay an egg every other day --- experienced

Will dog food hurt laying hens?

Feeding dog food to laying hens can be harmful because it contains different nutritional requirements than poultry feed. Dog food can be too high in protein, fat, and minerals for hens, leading to health issues such as obesity, kidney damage, and poor egg production. It's best to stick to a balanced diet specifically formulated for laying hens.

Do ALL hens make a noise when they lay an egg?

No, not all hens cackle while laying.

Do you a have a rooster to have laying hens?

no. they will lay without a rooster

What are egg laying chickens called?

Layers or Hens.

How many laying hens are there in the UK?

29 million

Will 2 Roosters with 4 Laying Hens slow egg production?

They shouldn't effect the process of laying eggs. It's always up to the hens attitude for that day.

Do not have any hens laying on the fertile eggs will they hatch?

No. They need to be kept warm. 99-100 degrees for 3 weeks

How can you tell which of your hens are laying?

The hen who is laying will have an inflamed comb. When they stop laying or aren't laying yet, their combs become a pinkish-pale color.