

Do you need a hamster to be cool?

Updated: 11/6/2022
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14y ago

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No, But hamsters are cool.

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Q: Do you need a hamster to be cool?
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What is the coolest breed of hamster?

The winter white is cool. It can change coler.

What do you need to exercise your hamster?

a wheel in its cage or a hamster ball

How many shots does a hamster need?

A hamster doesn't need any shots unless it gets ill.

Why hamster never closes its eyes?

it does just its to fast to see cool isnt it

Is there any cool homemade hamster toys that you can make?

get a cat toy ball with the bells in them and put hamster treats in them and put them a the wheel that they typically are running on.

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What do hamstersneed in their cage when you clean them out?

Well, they need a hamster wheel for excercising with, food, which I recommend to be put in a bowl, a plastic hamster water bottle for the hamster to drink from, play toys for the hamster to play with and lastly, you need to have wood chips on the ground, so that the hamster's feet will be protected.

Am a 12 year old girl who wants a hamster - how you can make your parents buy you one if they don't want to buy me one?

You first need to think about where your going to buy your hamster and all of it supplies. I suggest your nearest PetCo, they have really cool stuff, and they do not house males and females together, which means that you will not end up with a pregnant hamster. Then you need to think of where your going to put your hamster. After that, you need to go online or visit PetCo, the online is and pick out a cage that you like, make sure you find a hamster cage. Then you need to buy: a hamster water bottle, a hamster food dish, a bag of treats, hamster or gerbil food, a hut for you hamsters bed, and hamster bedding. After you have all of your supplies, talk to a person who works at PetCo, have them answer any questions you may have. Finaly you need to pick out a hamster, any hamster is fine, just pick the one that you like. Good luck! :)Costs:food:$3-7bedding:$4-8food dish:$2-3water bottle:$3-7hut:$4-10cage:$30-60treats:$1-5hamster:$10 plus taxBy the way. It would be a great idea to buy a Booklet on Hamsters. It shows everything you need to know from Birth to Death. By Alex Murray

Is it dangerous to let your hamster swim?

Erm, I haven't seen a hamster swim exactly... But if your hamster can swim, you would need to supervise your hamster in case he/she drowns or fatigue.

Does child need tetanus after hamster bite?

No, unless the hamster has rabies. if the hamster is a household pet, then no. Hamsters rarely bite, anyway.

Do you need a hamster ball for a hamster?

You don't need one, but it is best to have one. Hamster balls enable hamsters to get a session of good excersise. Although most hamster cages have wheels which provides excersise hamster balls enable you to controll the amount of excersise a hamster gets.