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not everyday. they are very small so they require a tiny amout of food. feed them about once every 2 days or so.

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Q: Do you have to feed your feeder minniows fish everyday?
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Your turtle can eat feeder fish.

Is it better to feed your larger fish feeder fish or crickets?

Crickets as they do not carry fish disease. While petstores try to limit and contain feeder fish disease there are no garuntees.

How do you feed aquarium fish while on vacation?

Get a 7 day feeder(:

Can you feed duck food to fish?

No but most ducks eat small feeder fish.

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Swai fish are considered bottom feeders as they primarily feed on algae, small invertebrates, and other organisms found at the bottom of freshwater rivers in southeast Asia where they are commonly found.

What should you feed my catfish in my goldfish aquarium?

be careful the cat fish doesn't eat the goldfish if you have any and feed it feeder fish fish flakes or maybe even fiddler crabs. my catfish ate them

When do you clean and feed a fish?

You really dont clean a fish but you clean the tank and you clean that about once a week or every other week and you feed a fish everyday

How do you feed your fish when you're on vacation?

There are three approaches. 1. get a friend or neighbour to feed your fish (not recommended they often overfeed!) 2. Get a feeder block. A produc that the fish pick at over a few days. Not great, but better than nothing. 3. Get an automatic feeder.. This is the best option. You can get the feeder blocks or an automatic feeder online at

What is the differences from a goldfish and a feeder fish?

a goldfish is a feeder fish. I kind of disagree with the answer above. Yes, goldfish CAN be feeder fish, but they aren't necessarily feeder fish. Feeder fish are really fish that are rather small and are fed to other animals, and that are for some reason thought as not being as precious as other "pet" fish. So a feeder fish and a pet fish are two different kinds of fish, really. Not all goldfish are feeder fish. There are expensive goldfish, more than 10 dollars per fish! Then there are those goldfish breeded to be eaten that are sold as 75 cents per fish. So there are "pet" goldfish and "feeder" goldfish. So, a goldfish is not necessarily a feeder fish.

Are you supposed to feed goldfish everyday?

Well im no Fish expert but the people we got our fish of said to feed them once a day .. Hope that helped

Feeder fish How do you tell male from female of the?

Feeder fish, How do you tell male from female of the?

Where can you find feeder fish?

Most pet shops will carry some feeder fish.