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Q: Do you freeze crayfish before or after you cook them?
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Can you freeze meat then defrost it and cook it?

Yes, you can freeze meat, defrost and cook it. Once it is cooked, it can be frozen again.

How do you freeze nopales?

Cook and cool first, then freeze.

Is it ok to freeze uncook meatballs?

Yes because its still raw and you can cook them later plus when you freeze it the bacteria die off... if you unfreeze it, cook it and freeze it and unfreeze it and cook it again YOU ARE GOING TO GET SICK

Does freezing food stop expiration?

Yes, you can safely freeze food before the sell-by date and cook it later.

Can crayfish be held?

yes right up to the time you cook em

How often do crayfish molt before they are considered an adult?

how often do crayfish molt before they are conitered an adult

Can you cook chicken wings and then freeze them?

yes, but let them coolbefore you freeze them

Can you freeze pork twice?

Yes . Freeze it . then unfreeze it . then freeze it again . Keep doing those steps until you get to the amount of freezing or unfreezing numbers you get .

Should you freeze the prime rib if its going to be 5 days before you cook it?

I froze a Prime Rib that I bought 3 days ago and froze it in a tupperware container. Will it be fine to cook?

Can you freeze gefilte fish after it's cooked?

Not really, it will be very watery and will lose its texture. If you do freeze it, then before you are ready to serve it, try to cook it again for another 20 minutes (while its still frozen).

Can you freeze cooked mushrooms?

It is best to partially cook smaller mushrooms before freezing them. Regular sized mushrooms can be frozen directly after cleaning them.