One can eat spinach stalks, but I would not suggest it. They are very woody and fibrous and impossible to break down. I tried to make a soup out of them and it was a fail, even after simmering for over 5 hours and blending twice. Don't waste your time.
Broccoli is an excellent vegetable and can be a good part of any balanced diet. A few stalks of broccoli is a great way to get some of your vegetables for the day. It is a good source of dietary fiber. Broccoli provides vitamin A, folic acid, calcium and vitamin C, and also vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc.
onion, ginger, and tomatoes that is all I know.
The florets are genrally eaten, but i also use the stalks pureed in soup.
hari gobi ( no original word as Brocolli was not in use earlier)
The florets are genrally eaten, but i also use the stalks pureed in soup.
Just cut off the stalks and the florets and steam them about 7-8 minutes.
To cook broccoli stalks to make them delicious and tender, peel the tough outer layer, slice them into thin pieces, and either steam or saut them until they are tender. You can also roast them in the oven with some olive oil and seasonings for added flavor.
yes they mostly eat broccoli and cauliflower
Horses can eat green corn stalks if you want to feed them the stalks. It will not hurt a horse to eat green corn stalks. Answer 2: Technically, yes a horse can eat green corn stalks, that doesn't mean they should though. Horses cannot proccess the stalks enough to get much nutrition out of them. The corn stalks can also harbor fungus and bacteria that could cause problems for the horse.
About 200 ounces. -The stalks you see in store are only a small part of the plant.
Yes, you can eat broccoli if you are diabetic and in fact it is very good for you. Eat all you want.
Jews do eat broccoli (provided that it is cultivated in a way that prevents the mixing of bugs in the crop). If a particular Jew does not eat broccoli, it is an issue of personal taste as opposed to religion.