In short - No! Once an egg hatches it is a chick and some mother hens allow them to sit on their backs for short periods, but not actually carry them as they walk around. Once the chick hatches, the eggs are discarded and usually eaten and broken up by the mother hen.
Fertile eggs start developing when the hen starts setting, or when they are put in an incubator.
Buy and incubator and put the eggs in it until they hatch!
incubator which is like a hen sitting on the eggs and the incubator keep the eggs nice and warm and moves them like a mama hen would do but a incubator cost a lot of money
Put them in an incubator or a frying pan.
coop. You can put the eggs in an incubator (to incubate them) until they hatch.
Put them in a incubator before they go cold and the bird inside dies
first craft an incubator, which is an ambrosium torch in the middle then holy stone around it, then put the egg in the incubator.(the incubator is powered by ambrosium torches
No, the egg is fertilized in the hen before the shell forms around it.
No. The guinea hen does not have to sit on the eggs. You should put them in an incubator.
You get an incubator or put it in an unused blanket then put him in a box with holes punched on the top of the box. If you dont do these to it will die.
A chicken can be hatched from under the mother hen after 21 days of sitting on them, as long as the eggs are turned for the first 18 days, twice a day (morning and night). But, I think you are referring to an incubator, where you put fertilized eggs at a certain temperature, and turn them just as a mother hen would do. I have put a lot of eggs in my incubator, and most of them hatched, so you've got a good chance to hatching most eggs.
Put it in a box or enclosed cage with a very powerful lamp.