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If the fish name is a proper noun it is capitalized; but do not capitalize nouns such as black beta, angelfish, goldfish. The genus is capitalized, the species is not; both are italicised.

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Q: Do you capitalize puffer fish
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How is a puffer fish adapted?

puffer fish are ugly

What is daily life for a puffer fish?

puffer fish wake up hunt. Then eat the food. The puffer fish try not to get eaten. so if you like puffer fish or blow fish help them

Is the porcupine puffer fish and the spiny puffer fish the same?


How are puffer fish related to other fish?

there not related to any fish only puffer fish

Does a puffer fish have scales like some other fish?

No,Puffer Fish are scaleless fish.

Enemy of puffer fish?

The main enemy of puffer fish are sharks, dolphins, and sea turtles, as they are the primary predators of puffer fish in the ocean. Additionally, some larger fish and seabirds may prey on smaller puffer fish.

Can other fish eat puffer fish?

No, Because most puffer fish has toxic.

Are puffer fish from the rainforest?

No. Puffer fish live in the ocean, not in rainforests.

Can 1 puffer fish kill anuther puffer fish?


Are puffer fish omnivores herbivores or carnivores?

Puffer fish are omnivores,

Are puffer fish omnivores carnivore or herbivores?

Puffer fish are omnivores,

How would the puffer fish be affected if it had no characteristics?

It would not be a puffer fish.