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no wait yes no, wait yes i dont know

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Q: Do tunas grow bigger than sword fish?
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How do sea gulls grow?

by eating worms mini fish and all then they grow they wil get bigger every month

What is the goal in playing Fishy Game?

Fishy Game is a game based on survival and growth. You start out as a small fish in the sea, and you'll have to eat smaller fish to grow bigger. Once grown bigger you'll be able to eat even bigger fish (as long as they are smaller then yourself). Fish that are bigger then yourself are a threat to you, so you will have to maneuvre through the game eating smaller fish and not getting in contact with bigger fish.

Why does the fish grow in the aquarium?

Fish don't keep growing any more than other creatures keep growing. Their DNA sets the size they will grow to provided all the other necessary living conditions are met for them to live and grow to full size.

Who would win megalodon or sword fish?

Given that megaladons grow to be up to 10x the size of swordfish/marlins, you'd put your money on that.

Why fish in the wild can grow bigger rather than in the aquarium?

Fish in the wild have more space to grow and exercise, which promotes healthy growth. They also have access to a diverse and natural diet, which helps them reach their full potential size. Additionally, wild fish are exposed to natural environmental factors that can contribute to their growth, such as water temperature fluctuations and changes in food availability.

What fish is bigger than cod?

One example of a fish that is typically larger than cod is the Atlantic halibut, which can grow to be much bigger in size and weight. Other fish species that are larger than cod include the Greenland halibut and the Atlantic wolffish.

If i put aCrab in a tropical fish tank what will it eat?

Probably the fish. I would not put a crab in a tank with tropical fish unless they were a LOT bigger than it was, and it was not going to grow any larger.

How many fish can you keep in a 14 liter fish tank?

Normally about 4, as you have to remember that they need room to grow. Some types of fish grow bigger than others, so i would look on the internet before you go out and buy your fish. Hope this helps a bit! Hettie x

What should you feed fish so as they grow bigger?

Actually, with fish it is not what you feed them, but the size of the tank/pond they are in. Fish grow to fit their environment to some extent. If you have a gold fish in a smaller tank/pond they will stay pretty small, but a little larger one and they will grow a bit larger. You'll never get a gold fish to be the size of a whale because that can't happen, but you can get a larger fish by adjusting the tank/pond size.

How can you make your breasts grow bigger and bigger?

You can't make your breasts grow bigger and faster. Your breasts grow as they are meant to and there is nothing you can do to speed-up that process or make them grow bigger.

What are genetically modified fish?

Genetically modified fish are fish that have had their DNA changed by taking a gene from an unrelated organism and forcing it into the DNA of a fish. The only known GMO fish is salmon, which has been modified to make grow faster and bigger than their non-GMO counterparts.