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i don't think so they have another diet! Tadpoles eat algae and other water plants. Lettuce has little nutritional value. Try a variety of leafy vegetables like spinach, watercress and collard greens if you are unable to obtain aquatic aquarium plants.

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No. Salamanders eat small insects by either shooting their tongue out like a chameleon or lunging like a snake.

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No. Feed it a varied diet of insects and worms (among other things)

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Q: Do tadpoles eat lettuce
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How does a tadpole eat?

Tadpoles eat Boiled Lettuce leaves but the lettuce must be iceberg!! the eat bugs'

Do tadpoles eat pieces of vegetabales?

They will eat frozen lettuce!

What does your pet tadpoles eat?

Yes they can eat dry dog food. Let it soak in water so its soft.

Can tadpoles eat broken bits of lettuice?

Yes, they can except if it is iceberg lettuce.

How much can tadpoles eat?

Tadpoles will eat as much as they want. You cannot overfeed a tadpole as the body grows depending on how much it eats.I feed all the tadpoles i raise with boiled lettuce. They love it :)

What do tadapoles eat?

Tadpoles love to eat vegetation such as algae. They also like lettuce. It is suggested that you boil the lettuce for 10-15 minutes to soften it.

What foods do tadpoles eat?

In their natural state, tadpoles live on pond vegetation, especially tiny algae and plants. Tadpoles in captivity benefit from boiled lettuce which has been cooled down.

Why won't tadpoles eat the food I'm giving them?

The tadpoles won't eat the food you are giving them because they don't like it. If you really want them to eat the food, then give them lettuce. That should be of great help.

What can tadpoles eat from around the house?

Lettuce! You can put half a leaf/ a quarter of a leaf of lettuce in the tank (if its filled with water still) and they will snack on it. When its gone, replace it!

What do tadpoles eat in captivity?

Tadpoles eat algae and egg yolks. They love to eat boiled lettuce! Trust me, I'm not a kid, I am a scientist trying to help you understand the basics of taking care of a tadpole, and your future frog. I hope i helped you!

What kind of baby food do tadpoles eat?

They like bread or boiled lettuce/spinach. I would not feed them baby food.

Do tadpole like lettuce?

Even known you have seen it on Curious George and think its just a cartoon it actually is right. Tadpoles LOVE lettuce and usually eat it if their are no water plants to state it.