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In the right conditions, 3-6 months. It will take 1-2 years for a whole potato to decompose from its original form.

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Q: Do potatoes decompose
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Where and when did mashed potatoes originate?

Potatoes are native to the Andes Mountains in South America. A curious fact of culinary history is that there were no potatoes in Europe before the late 15th century. When potatoes are boiled, (a basic cooking method used in primitive cultures) the potatoes easily decompose in the water after a time. In fact, when making mashed potatoes, care must be taken not to overcook the mash. Chances are good that mashed potatoes (or something very much like them) were first eaten by the forebears of the indigenous Aymara and Inca people [who kept no surviving records of such trivia] in the Andes, millennia before Columbus.It's believed that Antoine Parmentier, a physician, was the first to make mashed potatoes, in a 1771 competition held in France.

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Will a sea shell decompose?

no they will not decompose

What will decompose?

anything will decompose if it has air

Can toads decompose?

Yes. When they die, they decompose.

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What bugs help decompose stuff?

Um, termites decompose wood, flies decompose dead animals and waste, and worms decompose waste and turn it into dirt

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Does not decompose

Will glue decompose?

Some glues will decompose and some will not.

What bugs decompose?

They decompose all dead animals.

What is the fastest fruit that decompose?

strawburys decompose the fastest