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"Halal" is a method of slaughter - one has to a say prayer thanking God before you slit the neck of the animal and as much blood as possible has to flow out of the animal. In fact the animal takes several minutes to die and during that time the struggles of the animal forces the blood out. This contrasts the "jutkka" method of slaughter which the followers of "Sikhism" use and this requires one clean cut when slaughtering and the animal should not suffer. So to answer your question directly people of that particular religion can eat chicken or beef as long as the animal is slaughtered according to the "halal" method.

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Q: Do people who only eat halal meat eat chicken and beef?
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Is smoky bacon halal?

Depends on if it comes from a HALAL source. If the bacon made form halal beef, chicken, goat, or lamb then yes, it is halal. If it comes from pork or other non halal meat then it is not. Simple.

What is the most eaten meat in the US?

Pork, beef, or chicken.

Are Halal beef cattle grass fed?

Not always - Halal is the religious dietary law for Islam, which describes how to confer the blessing of Allah upon the meat. Grass fed is a production method unrelated to Halal slaughter rituals. You can purchase any of four combinations of the two: grass fed Halal beef, grass fed but not Halal beef, Halal but not grass fed beef and neither grass fed nor Halal beef.

What is Halal Chicken mean?

In the Muslim culture, Halal Meat in general is special meat that some Muslims can only eat. When they kill the animal, they perform a special prayer for Islam, making it Halal meat.

Is the meat provided in KFC chicken center in Chandigarh halal?

As the suppliers of the chicken in Bangalore are Muslim, it is assumed the meat sold there is Halal. When in doubt, asking the manager of the outlet will help. You can assume that the name of Allaah has been said over this meat and to be extra cautious you may also praise Allaah prior to consuming this meal. This Tasmiyah will suffice when in doubt.

The most common meat?

chicken and beef

Can Muslims eat Kobe beef?

Beef is generally halal (permitted). Very strict Muslims might want the beef to be prepared by an halal butcher._________________________________________________________Beef is generally halal (permitted) if made from licit meat (for example not made from pork). Muslims usually want beef to be prepared by licitly slaughtered animals.

How much flank steak for four people fajitas?

You can average about 3 or 4 ounces of meat per person so 200 people would need about 50 pounds of meat. If you plan to serve both chicken and beef, you probably want 25 pounds of chicken meat and 25 pounds of beef.

Is Amir Khan a vegetarian?

yes, as i think aamir khan (my favourite) is pure vegetarian

How do you differentiate between cooked beef and chicken by physically?

chicken is white meat and the beef is brownish and often has a noticeable edge

What temperature does meat like beef or chicken melt at?

Cook beef or chicken at 350 degrees Fahrenheit or 150 Celsius.

Is the fat from meat halal or not?

It is halal if from halal meat.