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some people will get distracted and some won't

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Q: Do people do worse in school when they chew gum?
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Related questions

How many people chew gum during school?

a lot!

Why do people have issues with people who chew gum at school?

maybe people think the chewing sound is annoying and gum sticks to everything!!

Do not chew gum in school?


Why you cant chew gum in school?

Kids chew it and spit it out on the floor

Do people chew chewing gum?

People chew chewing gum so that they don't have to chew on pen tops or bit there finger nails. etc. Some chewing gum makes your breathe smell better which is why most people chew it. they also chew it to prevent plaque and gum disease.

Why is gum chewing good in school?

some people say that gum garnets you an A in school! .

Can people chew gum in Algeria?

Yes because they export gum. They make gum in Algeria and then send it out, so I believe that they do chew gum there.

How to get into detention on Poptropica?

you have to get bubble gum and chew it in the school

How do you get in detention on bignate on poptropica?

Chew gum in school.

How do you get detention in Poptropica?

chew bubble gum in the school

What do you do to get the principal on big nate island to give you detention?

There is a sign that says that you cant chew gum in the school. You can get the gum from the man who wants the comics. Once you find them he will give you the gum. If you chew the gum in the school than you go to detention.

How many kids agree to chew gum in school?

Nearly all that have or are offered gum.