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Yes, muskrats eat white oak trees that grow near water bodies. They favor rootstock, stems and seeds of wild arrowhead, bulrushes, cattails, ferns, pickerelweed, pondweed, sedges and water lilies as well as cultivated alfalfa, clover and corn. They will feed upon freshwater clams, crayfish, fish, frogs, reptiles, salamanders, snails and young birds as well as upon poplar, underwater roots and tubers, and willows.

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Q: Do muskrats eat white oak trees?
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Would the muskrat would be affected if disease kills the white oak?

Muskrats eat oak trees and if the oak tree had a disease and all of them died. then the muskrat would have to relie on someething else to eat because muskrats eat oak trees.

What animals eat the white oak?

Deer, squirrels, birds, and insects all commonly feed on the acorns produced by white oak trees. White oak acorns are an important food source for many wildlife species in their ecosystem.

Do oak trees eat?

what food do oak trees eatOak trees do not eat stuff they are plants they need sun,water.ect.

Is a white oak tree a herbivore?

No, a white oak tree is not a herbivore. Herbivores are animals that primarily feed on plants, while white oak trees are plants themselves. White oak trees are a species of tree that produce acorns and grow through a process called photosynthesis, where they convert sunlight into energy.

What oak trees are native to Arkansas?

White oak, bur oak, red oak, pin oak

What do white oaks eat?

White oak trees like full sun and moist, well-drained, acidic soil. They don't eat, they make their own food from sunlight.

What are the different types of oak trees that grow in America?

Water Oak Pin Oak red oak white oak

Are oak trees leaves edible?

No, they aren't.

Are white oak trees cone or flower?


Do White Oak Trees grow flowers?


Do oak trees grow in new England?

Yes.......of course. Red Oak, White Oak, Black Oak, Pin Oak, and more

What genus does the white oak belong?

White oak is genus Quercus and species Alba.and totoro and Mario brothers