

Do mosquitos eat elderberry bushes

Updated: 11/8/2022
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Q: Do mosquitos eat elderberry bushes
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Yes, they can eat elderberry bushes because they are herbivores

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Yes, they can eat elderberry bushes because they are herbivores

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Grasshoppers prefer to eat grasses, leaves and cereal crops, but many grasshoppers are omnivorous. They probably would eat berries if given them.

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No they do not eat mosquitos

What eats elderberry bushes?

The Elderberry bush has white flowers and blooms in springtime, itÃ?s common in marshes and forest edges. Many animals enjoy eating this plant; birds and mice eat the fruit, the bark by rabbits and groundhogs, the leaves and twigs by deer.

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Foxes eat berries but not the bushes.

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No they do not eat mosquitos

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Many types of birds eat mosquitos. Frogs and toads eat mosquitos, as well as other species of insects.

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they eat pollen

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