Yes, land hermit crabs do mate. If you mean in captivity...yes and no. They will mate and sometimes you will even get fertilized eggs, but you can not raise them to be surviving baby hermit crabs in captivity unless you can duplicate the ocean.
hermit crabs mate in waters so if they are in captivity no in the wild yes hermit crabs mate in waters so if they are in captivity no in the wild yes
No land Hermit Crabs do not give you warts
because they have love with the boy land hermit crabs
so when the eggs hatch the baby hermit crabs know where to get the water so they can have it in their shells to breathe.
Hermit crabs in captivity cannot mate. Unless you live on a tropical island with wild hermit crabs, there's no need to worry. They were probably just playing.
i think they get jiggy with a mate and lay eggs.
Well it depends there are different types of crabs,I own 4 land hermit crabs.
There are aquatic and land hermit crabs. Some land hermies are the Purple Pincher (PP & the most common) and the strawberry hermit crab.
they are probably mating right now bacause they mate all the time
They are Arthropods.Edited: Land hermit crabs are from the arthropod phylum.
i dont think so because i mean salt and fresh water is two different kinds of water but does it matter where they mate they could do it on land if they wanted it doesnt matter if they are gona mate they will