Healthy kittens shouldn't smell at all, other than warm fur. A messy kitten is usually washed straight away by the mother if very young, and older kittens are usually rather good at keeping themselves clean. If a kitten starts to smell and is otherwise clean, be sure to take it to the vet as soon as possible.
my kittens breath smells like fish because it eats fish alot of the time
it doesent really smell like anything
Yes. When a cat is about to have kittens, there is a certain smell, and other cats can smell this.
im sure they can make themselves smell like anything
Ok for one, spit does not smell like anything ..........and two, they smell like any plane flower.
they can smell you on the kittens
It does not smell like anything, ovulation has no odor, it is an internal biological function of the body.
It will probably smell and taste like anything the person ate.
Yep. It smells like trouble.
bathe them or get them fixed
it has a very distinct smell that is pretty difficult to compare to anything else I can think of it does not smell like burning hair or plastic as some have said
It is not going to smell like anything