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they live in warm areas and its to warm for carrots to grow so probably not

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Q: Do hurmit crabs like carrots
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i think u should ask the store u bought it from they usually have really good food that the hurmit crabs have already gotten used to

Do crabs eat fish pellets?

They can occasionally but not often. Feed your crabs either a commercial diet, like found at the pet store, or fruits and vegetables. Like bananas, kiwi, cheerios, carrots, broccoli, grapes, peanut butter, applesauce, and lots more! Hope this helps! :)

What pet hermit crabs eat?

Pet hermit crabs in captivity eat lots of things like... Meats (cooked) Fruits(mostly bright like corn or carrots) Veggies Dairy(only feed them dairy after they molt to help them gain calsium) Hermit crab food Hope this helped you!

Does Eleanor calder like carrots?

she better like carrots! louis said and i quote "I like girls who eat carrots" so if she doesnt like carrots and he finds, out this relationship but be over too soon :(

What is the inverse statement of if you like carrots then you like vegetables?

if i dont not like carrots then i do not like vegetables

Can hermit crabs eat turtle pellets?

It is not the recommended diet. However hermit crabs are scavengers and can eat almost anything. try fresh fruits and veggies; sweet potato, beans, carrots, etc

Do hermit crabs eat carrots?

Yes, in fact i have some carrots in my crabitat right now. My hermies seem to love them. Hermit crabs are scavengers and can eat all fruits, veggies, SEA salted nuts, egg yolk, egg whites, and egg shell (which is also what i have with the carrots), and lean (not fatty) meats. Stay AWAY from human food like twinkies, pizza, seasonings on meat, salted foods (but SEA salt, they love AND is healthy for them), ect. . .

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Are beetles more like crabs or are spiders more like crabs?


Does harry styles like carrots?

harry does not like carrots but he does like curmpits with peanut butter

Are hermit crabs like fiddler crabs?

yes they are