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No, they have five pairs of legs, including the claws.

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Q: Do hermits have six pairs of legs including the claws?
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Related questions

How pairs of legs has a crab?

Crabs have 10 pairs of legs, which means they have a total of 20 legs. The first pair of legs are modified into claws, known as chelipeds. The remaining eight pairs are used for walking and balance.

How many legs are chelate on a crayfish?

None. They use their pedipalps for sensory.

How many legs and claws does a crawfish?

walking legs on a crayfish are used for mobility and movement, while the claws remain free to forage for food. This allows the crayfish to eat on the move and travel fair distances in a short time.

How many legs do centipete have?

centipedes can have a varying number of legs from under 20 to over 300. Centipedes have an odd number of pairs of legs, e.g. 15 or 17 pairs of legs (30 or 34 legs) but never 16 pairs (32 legs). A key trait uniting this group is a pair of venom claws or "forcipules" formed from a modified first appendage. Centipedes are a predominantly carnivorous taxon.

How many legs does a blue swimmer crab have?

Crabs are decapods, they have ten legs (including the large claws and flipper appendages)

How many segments does an arachnid have?

they have 8 legs not including their claws

What are crab legs called?

Crab legs are also known as crab clusters or snow crab legs.

What is the difference between Lobster crab?

both have 10 legs , but , lobster's the front three pairs bear claws , and crab's front two legs sometimes use for walking but mostly for eating.....

What do lobsters have five pairs of?

Legs, or appendages. The forward pair have adapted to become claws, which are more arm-like than the others. Lobsters, along with crabs, prawns and shrimp, are decapods (10 legs).

How many pairs of legs do arachnid have?

they have 4 pairs of legs

How many toes do dachshunds have?

Most Dachshunds have eighteen toes, including the two dew claws on their front legs.

What is a A animal with no backbone?

as far as i have researched, there are only invertebrates with 4 pairs of legs not 4 legs. examples: most insects including Spiders