Yes she does. If you feel very gently you will be able to feel that the bumps are actually the babies. Don't poke around to much though. You might be able to feel how many babies she is going to have. If you don't think it is this though you should take the hamster to the vets to get her checked out
Hamsters get lumps under there bums that are the same as the skin color even if there not male. The bumps are commonly found below the tail.
not all hamsters show visible signs of pregnancy some stay exactly the same..... reason is some hamsters carry: large litter of smaller sized babies, and some carry smaller litters with bigger sized babies so u can't use the lumps to tell, the best way to tell is if they suddenly eat lots, and if u lift them up under the arms, if their nipples are visible, u know they are pregnant, but if u are asking if they do show lumps when would u see them? about 3-7 days prior to pupping
Not really. Pregnant hamsters are really active and jumpy when they're expecting. :P
Most hamsters are pregnant for 16-18 days.
No. Hamsters, like all mammals, require sexual reproduction in order to get pregnant.
Hi, hamsters are pregnant for 16-28 days.
Yes, hamsters get pregnant through sexual reproduction.
Yes, Actually this is very normal and you should see it on your hamster when she is pregnant. They should be very large and a bit squishy. Don't toutch them too much though. These are milk sacks on the hamster as hamsters are mammals, and all mammals drink milk when they are infants. So, Don't be scared that your hamster has 2 large lumps on her hips. It's only milk sacks on her :D
Hamsters are usually pregnant for 16 days in a syrian hamster and 30 days in a dwarf.
yes hamsters require a male to become pregnant.
They get a lot fatter.
Get very territorial