Hamsters can eat small amounts of certain types of apples such as Granny Smith or Fuji apples. It's important to remove any seeds, as they can be a choking hazard, and ensure the apple is fresh and washed thoroughly before feeding it to your hamster. Offer apples as an occasional treat in moderation.
Hamsters eat carrots, apples, grapes and probably lots more.
apples and carrots
i dont know about hamsters, since i dont have one, but guinea pigs can have apples. some wont eat them, others love them, remember to cut up the apple and never give them the seeds or the core.
no because it can upset there stomachs and hurt them when they try to use the bathroom!
A small peeled slice is fine . Not too much for your little friend , it may cause diarrhea.
they eat apples oranges mangos kiwi pomogramits and hamster food, sunflowerseeds
Hamsters eating apples will not affect their health unless too many at once. Give about 3 very small pieces a day. :3
They love to eat their own food but only give them one or two as a light snack. They love to eat cheese, apples, and carrots.
Try Lettuce, Celery & Carrots..
Yes, hamsters can eat apples in small amounts as a treat. Make sure to remove the seeds and core before offering it to them, and introduce new foods slowly into their diet to prevent any digestive issues.
They can eat small portions of some fruits, like bananas and apples. They should stay away from acidic foods, like strawberries. They can upset their stomach.