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No, they really like to interact with people. They are like toddlers, you can't take your eyes off them, even for a second! Do not use exercise balls because it causes back problems. Their backs don't curve the way hamsters and ferrets back's do, and it actually ends up hurting them even if they appear to like it. Your best bet is to use a corral (like a fence that forms a circle) on newspaper in case of accidents. They also love to be held, and are quite content to just sit on your lap and nibble fresh veggies or timothy hay. Enjoy your piggy!

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17y ago
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17y ago

Hmm, I'd say yes. I've let mine out and about in my room, and after that he's tough to catch! =p I couldn't imagine letting my piggies out in my house. One, because I have 2 cats. And even though sometime some Guineas' can be potty-trained...some can't or won't.... -GuineaBoo

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13y ago

Well, you might not need one as big- but you still want a cage that is somewhat big. An average guinea pig cage should be 7.5 square feet for one. How often do you let him out? because remember- for all the time your not with him- Hes stuck in that cage. So use your best judgment with this question- and make sure you piggie is happy and healthy.

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13y ago

No, they are not like koi. Feel free to give them a nice big space to move around.

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13y ago

Yes. In fact, it is better for them if they do. That way, they are not exposed to harsh weather conditions and are more likely to be interacted with my their owners...

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Do guinea pigs have the same cage as a hamster?

No its not, i guinea pigs cage is way bigger. & you should not have the same size of guinea pig cage as your hampster.

What size should a guinea pig cage be?

For two guinea pigs you need at least 7.5 feet of cage.

What cage size holds 2 guinea pigs?

A regular medium cage or luxury is large size. Always have entertaining things, too.

How much does guinea pigs cages cost?

It depends on the size of the cage.Some cages are cheaper when they come in a guinea pig care supplies kit.My cage for my guinea pig was $50.But, then again,it was originally meant for two guinea pigs.

Can guinea pigs have the same size of a cage of a hamster?

No, that would be cruel. A CAGE at least the width and length of a 20 gallon fishtank in comparison. At LEAST. Would be better suited to a guinea pig.

How many ft will a guinea pig grow?

guinea pigs range in size mostly depending what breed they are

Is a guinea pig cage the same size as a rabbit cage?

No I would get a slightly smaller cage than a rabbit cage guinea pigs are a little bit smaller than rabbits so they don't needquite as much space. Also take into consideration that rabbits have paws and guinea pigs have instead very sensitive feet so it is not advisable to put a guinea pig in a cage designed for rabbits. This is because rabbit cages often have a wire bottom which makes cleaning a lot easier, however a wire bottom will definitely hurt the guinea pigs feet- sometimes to the point in which they have to see a vet for treatment.

What is a Guinea Pigs Size?

they are the size of a kitten!

How long are guinea pigs?

Just like humans, guinea pigs vary in size :)

Why hasn't my guinea pig grown any in 2 years?

It's fully grown. Guinea Pigs only grow to a certain mature size.

What is the adult size for rex guinea pigs?

The adult size of a rex guinea pigs vaires but they are very cleen and have a wire coat.

What are the messurements of a big guinea pig's cage?

A large guinea pig cage should be at least 7.5 square feet of space for one guinea pig, with additional square footage recommended for each additional guinea pig. The cage should also be at least 14 inches tall to allow for plenty of room for the guinea pigs to move around and exercise. It's important that the cage also has plenty of hiding spots, toys, and enrichment for the guinea pigs.