

Do giraffes clean themselves

Updated: 11/9/2022
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9y ago

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Giraffes have a tongue that measures 22 inches. Giraffes are able to clean their entire bodies, including their ears with their tongues.

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Q: Do giraffes clean themselves
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giraffes clean themselves by dipping themselves into water

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The answer is yes. Giraffes have very long tongues.

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How do giraffes defend themselves?

Giraffes defend themselves by kicking preditors and "necking". "necking" is when a giraffe swings its neck at another giraffe really hard. The reason giraffes have the little horns on their head is for necking so they can dig them into another giraffes neck.

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rats are really clean. they clean themselves you know. ALL THE TIME they clean themselves.

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no they don't even camoflage themselves though they do have purple tongues

How do giraffes defend there selves against predators?

Giraffes defend themselves against predators by kicking them swiftly while running and a well places kick can kill the predator

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You don't. They clean themselves.

Do giraffes have huge teeth?

yes they can bite a bob cats head right clean off

Why do cats lick their fur?

It's their way to clean themselves and keep themselves clean. It's how groom.

How do giraffes show territorial behavior?

All mammals, including giraffes, care for their young. They have to be fed milk by their mother and are protected until they are old enough to be alone.

How do wolves clean themselves?

Like cats and most dogs, they will lick themselves clean, or bath in water.they lick themselfs clean or they wash of in the water