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After pollination, fertilization takes place. then the ovaries grow into fruits and ovules grow into seeds. That Is All.

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9y ago
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9y ago

Not exactly. If flowers are fertilized, they grow into the fruit which contains the seeds.

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14y ago

Seeds are formed from fertilized ovules which are found in the fruit (ripened ovary)

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Where the fruit and seeds come from in the papaya plant?

The fruit come from the flowers. After the flowers are fertilized the fruit and the seeds inside, develop. This is the same for any fruit.

What strucures do angiosperms have and gymnosperm lack?

Angiosperms have flowers and fruit, which are structures that gymnosperms lack. Flowers are reproductive structures that attract pollinators, while fruit develops from the ovary after fertilization to protect and disperse seeds. Gymnosperms, on the other hand, produce seeds that are not enclosed within a fruit and do not have true flowers.

What parts of a plant makes seed?

part of a plant makes the seeds.

What do angiosperms produce that gymnosperms do not?

Angiosperms produce flowers and fruits, which serve as reproductive structures and protect the seeds. Gymnosperms do not produce flowers or fruits; instead, they produce cones to hold and disperse their seeds.

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Gymnosperms (pines, spruces and the like) have neither fruit nor flowers. The seeds are carried in cones.

How is a fruit different from a flower?

Flowers don't have seeds

Where do seeds of fruit bearing plants form?

In the flowers.

Vascular plants with flowers produce seeds inside fruits?

Vascular plants with flowers produce seeds inside the fruit are called angiosperm. They are plants where the flower then becomes a fruit containing the seeds.

Where is the best place to get free seeds?

you can collect seeds from the plants, flowers, fruit, ect.

How do trees make fruit?

By making flowers first. Flowers have ovaries. with ovules inside. After they are fertilized the seeds grow. Usually the ovary develops into the fruit. The fruit protects and nourishes the seeds. The fruit also attracts animals (including humans) to carry the seeds away from the original plant.

What is the main job of a fruit?

to protect the seeds inside

What happens to the ovary after fertilisation in plants?

After fertilization in plants, the ovary develops into a fruit while the ovules inside the ovary develop into seeds. The ovary walls thicken and ripen to protect and nourish the developing seeds.