Some do and some don't. There are a number of fish in the open ocean that do not use shelter. It is probably due to the way they evolved and the fact that there isn't a lot of shelter in the open ocean. Just a lot of water. Many fish do seek out shelter, though it's usually called cover. Fish find places in the water like among or under water plants, around or under fallen trees, about or within rocks and caves or around or under structures. They do this so they can hide from predators or lurk while hunting for prey.
probably a fish.
non fish need water to live!
in the mid pacific/atlantic region
tropical fish have to live around 75 degrees
i dont know thats why im asking.
No. Depending upon the climate you live in, tropical fish may need heaters if you live in a cool place and if you live in a warm place cold water fish may need coolers. Each species has its own requirements.
for instance water, oil and the sun are natural resources. oil- can heat buildings, heat cars ect. water- fish can live in it, and mammals need it to drink sun- plants need it for energy, and it lights up the world.
Food water oxygen
Reptiles need land too. Fish do not.
No , some fish live in slat and fresh water but the pet fish you have or want to hve need fresh water.
sun food water