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yep they do kinda sleep or settle downa at a place with no movement at all if the lights are turned off at night which i do

so i think yes they do sleep but with eyes open

but believe do not make them sleep coz closed eyes of fish are not easy to watch

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Q: Do fish need dark to sleep?
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Why can't fish sleep?

It's really difficult to tell, as fish do not have eyelids and thus need darkness to be able to sleep. They will probably be very still.

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of course

Do fish need light at night?

no they do not need light they need sleep.

Why do fish prefer the dark?

Yes, fish do need dark. They depend on the cycle of light and dark to determine spawning and migration times. During the longer days of summer and the shorter days of winter they spend time eating. As the days lengthen for spring, some fish like northern pike, muskellunge, and steelhead travel to spawning grounds. For other fish like brook trout and smallmouth bass the shortening days at the end of summer signal spawning time. Another reason for dark is that even fish need rest. Food is easy to find while it's light out, so they are fairly active in the day. As dark falls, feeding activity slows. Of course, a full moon on a clear summer night, doesn't slow the walleyes down; ask any determined fisherman.

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No - fish like to sleep, too!

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No, they are nocturnal and don't need light for sleep.

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Fish sleep on the ground.

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the need fish to survive

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because she needs to sleep ;)

How many hours do fish sleep?

haha good question....I have a fish myself and he seems to never sleep! But every now and then I will catch him in the corner of his tank moving back and forth slightly but remains in the same spot, this means that they are sleeping. Fish are never completley still when they sleep, and never close their eyes (if they even have eyelids....D: ) hahaha this is just a survival technique for them.....hope this helped :)

Why don't fish close their eyes when they sleep?

-Fish do not sleep -Fish do not have eyelids -Fish are very nice pets