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fish do like rain, as they go to the surface of the water and let it soak into their scales. this makes them able to swim better.

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Q: Do fish like rain why?
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Which is more sensitive to acid rain trees or fish?

Fish are more sensitive to acid rain than trees. Acid rain can lower the pH levels of water bodies, making it more acidic and harmful to aquatic life like fish. Trees can also be affected by acid rain, but fish are generally more vulnerable due to their direct exposure to water contaminated with acidic compounds.

Does it rain fish in cape town?

no it does not rain

Which country do fish live in?

Fish are not rained. They live in water bot fresh and saltwater. There are many many different kinds of fish but none are rained like rain.

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Is rain fish pee?

No, rain is not fish pee. Rain is formed through the process of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation in the water cycle. Fish excrete waste in the form of ammonia or urea, which is released into the water they inhabit. This waste is not directly responsible for rain formation.

What type of biologist would most likely study the effect of acid rain on the fish population?

An aquatic biologist would most likely study the effect of acid rain on the fish population, as they specialize in the study of organisms and ecosystems in freshwater environments like rivers, lakes, and streams where fish populations are often impacted by acid rain.

What is the predator of a Siamese fighting fish in the rain forest?

The main predators apart from man are the fish eating water birds like Kingfishers, Herons and Egrets.

Can it Rain fish from hurricane?

Yes, it is possible for hurricanes to sometimes "rain" fish or other marine animals if they pick them up from bodies of water and carry them inland before dropping them back to the ground. This phenomenon is known as "animal rain" and has been documented in various hurricanes throughout history.

Does it rain fish in Sri Lanka?


I like boots and I like puddles but I don't like rain?

You could like being a person that sells fish (in wet markets) or maybe like mud (mud puddles).

Can fish eggs and fish be drawn into rain clouds like supercells and moved to another pond or lake?

No, they cannot. When water evaporates, all minerals, chemicals and solids are left behind. Fish eggs cannot "rise" or "float" with the water. Many ponds that have dried up and refilled by man or rain can get tadpoles in them which are mistaken as fish by some.

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