

Do fish have a lateral line system?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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14y ago

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The lateral line is a system of sense organs; neuromasts situated along/in the lateral line detect movement and vibration in water. The system is important in schooling and predatory behaviour, as well as in general for spatial awareness. It allows detection of movement outside of the range of vision, or in conditions that reduce visibility.

Blind fish will orientate towards movement in the same way as fish that are able to see, but disruption of the lateral line also disrupts the response to movement.

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14y ago

the lateral line in a fish is basically a large nerve extending down both sides of the fish. it detects small ripples in the water to alert the fish of prey and predators.

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14y ago

Yes, the lateral line is used to detect prey. All fish have a sensory in their scales that sense either movement or electricity from the other fish in the water.

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To what system does the lateral line belong?

The lateral line belongs to the lateral line system. This helps to stream line fish in water and to keep them afloat.

What do lateral line system mean?

Lateral line system means an aquatic organs sense system found in fish

What is a lateral line system of a fish?

A lateral line system is an organ in the sensory system that allows fish to sense objects and organisms nearby them through vibrations in the water.

What kinds of animals other than fish have a lateral line?

Amphibians like frogs and salamanders also have a lateral line system, which helps them to detect movement and changes in water pressure in their aquatic environment. Some invertebrates like crayfish and certain insects also have a lateral line system for sensing vibrations in water.

Does the lateral line system on a fish have a function?

The lateral line provides a fish's sense of hearing and orientation. it contains a complex system of receptors that convert mechanical disturbances or submarine vibrations into nerve impulses. Essentially, it is a fish's underwater ears.

How does a fish use its lateral line?

lateral line is a line on the fish body that function to detect vibrations in water

How can a fish detect movement and vibration in the water?

Fish can detect movement and vibrations in the water through a sensory system called the lateral line, which consists of a series of sensitive receptors along their bodies. These receptors pick up changes in water pressure caused by movements or vibrations, allowing fish to sense nearby objects, predators, or prey even in dark or murky environments.

Name the sensory organ in fish?

Lateral Line.

How are the scales along the lateral line different from other scales?

Scales along the lateral line are typically larger and have sensory pores that detect pressure changes and water movements. They also have a slightly different shape and orientation compared to scales on other parts of the body. These specialized scales help fish sense their surroundings and navigate their environment.

What system of tiny rows of sense organism along the fish's body called?

The system of tiny rows of sense organs along a fish's body is called the lateral line. These organs help fish detect water movements and vibrations, aiding in navigation, prey detection, and social communication.

Why do trouts have lateral lines?

the lateral line of a fish is a sensory organ,picking up vibration in the water,alerting fish to danger or prey.

What system is responsible for sensing vibrations in the water on a goldfish?

When you look very closely at a goldfish you will see a row/line of what appears to be dots along the side of the fish. This line is called a "Lateral Line" it consists of tiny sensors that are receptive to many signals including variations in pressure. This "Lateral Line" is the part of the fish responsible for sensing the vibrations in the water.