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Technically some do it just depends on if you have a gold fish or a pink lellow.

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Q: Do fish die if they eat piece of paper?
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Can fish eat paper?

no they cant eat paper

How do you eat a piece of paper?

actually for that I use a paper shreder

What would likely happen if the number of shrimp increased?

the plankton population would decrease

Do fish eat mango?

I'm sure they would if a piece fell in

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no but they could mistake a piece of trash for a fish.

Can fish die from eating dead fish?

Yes, fish can die from eating dead fish. Dead fish can harbor harmful bacteria, parasites, and toxins that can cause illness or death in other fish that ingest them. It is not recommended to allow fish to eat dead fish in a closed aquarium environment.

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Eagles kill fish to eat. If they did not eat, they would die. Not fun.

What do midshipmen fish eat?

Mackerel. Caught one off a piece of mackerel.

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There is nothing in fish that is hazardous to hamsters, but it is unlikely that it will eat the fish.

Can we eat a fish's mouth?

no because we might die

Do fish die if they eat a ring?

i think yes