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Everyone needs a bubble machine.

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Q: Do fantailed goldfish need a bubble machine?
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How many bubble eye goldfish can you have in a 1 gallon tank?

ZERO!! A 1 gallon tank is not large enough to keep any kind of fish in. A Bubble eye goldfish can grow to 10 inches long and so, using the basic rule for keeping fish. "1 inch of fish need a minimum of 1 gallon of water" you would need at least a 12 gallon tank to house 1 Bubble eyed goldfish.

Can you feed a betta goldfish food?

No, feeding a betta goldfish food is not recommended. Betta fish have specific dietary needs that are different from goldfish, and giving them the wrong type of food may not provide the necessary nutrients for their health and well-being. It is best to feed bettas a high-quality betta fish food to ensure they receive the proper nutrition.

Why do bubble eye goldfish have bubble eyes?

I'm glad you asked! That is a very interesting question with a most interesting answer. The bubble-eye goldfish is a rare breed of celestial fish, lacking a proper sphincter, and thus the bubble-eye goldfish has difficulty discharging flatulence. Over time the unreleasable gas transforms into a toxic fume, which would otherwise poison and eventually kill the bubble-eye goldfish. Can you guess what happens to that toxic chemical? That's right. As the Bubble-eye goldfish grows and ages the membranous tissues beneath it's eyes fill with a mix of nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. In short; it's farts. It's nasty, disgusting fish farts.

What does the death of goldfish signify?

That you need a new goldfish

Do mollies need a heater?

well, goldfish don't need a heater, so if they can live with a goldfish, then yes, they shouldn't need a heater. I'm gonna try to put a couple mollies (maybe like 2, or 3) in with a goldfish. they "would" be in a, um, I think it's a 1 gallon tank, that has an air bubble filter, thing, that goes in at the bottom of the tank, and it also has a hood, with a light.... You should try it, cause you never know what nature will bring you! Have fun! :):):)

What do goldfish do for fun?

Goldfish like bubbles and will act as though they are playing when swimming through them, or riding the bubble current that is created. Sometimes they will also do somersaults when someone is near their tank, though this is probably one of their silly ways of begging for more food than they need to eat in a day.

Need a compound word using the word gold?


What are some basic breeds of goldfish?

there are three basic breeds: fantail goldfish, comet goldfish, and common goldfish. if you are getting goldfish for the first time, i would recommend common goldfish as they need the least care.

What do goldfish need to lay their eggs?

goldfish need to lay eggs. Because if they don't no goldfish would be alive and would not be any more so they would become gone forever.

Do goldfish need to be with other goldfish?

The answer is no. People usually think that goldfish get lonely and depressed. This is not true. Goldfish are fine on their own! People usually prefer 2 or more

Hi i have a 9 leter tank and 2 small goldfish do i need a filter?

Yes, goldfish are very messy. Goldfish need 10 gallons per fish, you actually need a 20 gallon tank or about a 70 liter tank for 2 goldfish. But the small tank will do while they are small, you will need to eventually get a larger tank.

What is the Bubble eye goldfish diet?

A bubble eyed goldfish needs a diet containing a range of food. big pellets that slowly sink are recommended due to that bubble eyed goldfish are slow swimmers. Flakes are a risk as the fish is prone to swallowing air which can result in diseases such as swim bladder. They can also eat vegetables like lettuce, cucumber, cooked and finely chopped green beans, cooked and de-shelled peas; they also like finely chopped oranges once in awhile.