jelly fish and sea grass
the parrotfish
they eat sea little grass found in the sea floors
No but you can eat Cod
They eat almost anything- being omniverous and cannibals as well, they will eat young cod.
The goby fish, or disambiguation, have many natural predators and, in fact, are a prey species of many fish. Some of the goby's predators are humans, cod, haddock, sea bass, and flatfish.
Sea lions don't eat jellyfish. Sea lions eat different types of fish like anchovy, herring, whiting, hake, opaleye, mackerel, cod and salmon.
One example of a large edible sea fish with a three-letter name is cod. Cod is a popular fish known for its mild flavor and versatility in cooking.
It is said that if you see the head of the Cod, You'll never eat it because of how ugly it is.
Yes a killer whale eats fish such as cod and some times they eat sea otters
Possibly you mean 'Calgary'. There is no live cod near Calgary, cod is a sea fish.
An Atlantic cod is a sea fish, the common cod, Latin name Gadus morhua.