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They only eat the rare type from the Pacific Ocean. And they would choke on them if they wern't from the pacific.

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Q: Do clownfish eat angelfish
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Can clownfish live with angelfish?

Clownfish and angelfish have different habitat requirements and behaviors, making it challenging for them to coexist peacefully in the same tank. Angelfish are typically larger and more aggressive, which can lead to conflicts with the smaller and more passive clownfish. It is generally not recommended to house clownfish and angelfish together in the same aquarium.

How do clownfish eat?

Clownfish eat the leftovers from fish on the anemone and algae.

What do angelfish in the ocean eat?

Angelfish eat other fish.

What fish eat angelfish?

Bigger fish eat angelfish such as catfish.

What do Arabian angelfish eat?

Arabian Angelfish eat mostly meat.

Does angelfish eat guppy?

all larger angelfish eat guppys

What do WILD angelfish eat?

Angelfish eat algae, some coral, smaller fish, brine shrimp. Angelfish are omnivores.

What is the scavenger of a clownfish?

Anything willing to eat the carcass of a clownfish after it dies.

Example of marine?

Angelfish,butterflyfish,clownfish,damselfish,tangs,and wrasses are all good examples of tropical marine fish.

What eat a queen angelfish?

Queen Angelfish eat plankton and smaller fish.Sponges and other invertebrates.

Can you keep damsels and angelfish together?

yes you can hre is a list okay for adding to the tank: Dwarf Angelfish, Large Angelfish, Anthias, Basslets, Blennies, Boxfish, Clownfish, Goatfish, Gobies, Hawkfish, Hogfish, Parrotfish, Pseudochromis, Puffers, Tangs & Surgeons and Wrasse.

How does a angelfish eat?

they open their mouths and eat.