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yes they do

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Q: Do carrots have cells
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Carrots in salt would it be hyptonic or hypertonic?

Carrots in salt would be hypertonic. This is because the salt concentration outside the carrot cells is higher than inside the cells, causing water to move out of the cells, leading to dehydration and shrinkage of the carrots.

What is mis amuelet?

The lady down the street that cells amuelet out of diamond carrots

A yellow pigment found in carrots?

The yellow pigment found in carrots is called beta-carotene. It is a type of carotenoid that gives carrots their vibrant color and serves as a precursor for vitamin A in the body. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage.

Do carrots assist night vision?

Not directly (unless you have a flashlight that looks like a carrot). Carrots, like many other vegetables, contain Vitamin A, which helps improve the condition of cells in the retina.

What happens to carrots in distilled water?

Carrots placed in distilled water will become limp or wilted as they lose water due to osmosis. The concentration of solutes inside the carrot cells is higher than that of the distilled water, causing water to move out of the cells, leading to the wilting effect.

Is there DNA in carrots?

Yes, carrots contain DNA as they are living organisms that have cells with genetic material. DNA provides the instructions for the growth and development of the carrot plant.

How many carrots are there in a bushel of carrots?

A bushel of carrots typically contains around 50-60 carrots.

What are carrot cells?

Carrot cells are the building blocks that make up carrots. These cells contain various components such as cell membranes, cytoplasm, and organelles like the nucleus and chloroplasts. Carrot cells store nutrients and water, allowing the carrot to grow and stay healthy.

Do carrots have vacuoles?

Yes, carrots do have vacuoles. Vacuoles are membrane-bound organelles found in plant cells, including those in carrots. Vacuoles play important roles in storing nutrients, maintaining turgor pressure, and regulating cell size and shape.

What is collective noun for carrots?

The collective nouns for carrots are:a row of carrots (in a garden)a bunch of carrots (in a market).

Where do carrots leave?

carrots are yummy

What are raw carrots?

They are carrots that are uncooked.