

Do betta fish get along with snails?

Updated: 11/9/2022
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11y ago

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It is easier to say what fish Bettas do not get along with. The only fish a male Betta will not get along with is another male Betta. Bettas are slow moving peacefull fish and they get along OK with most species that are not too big (eg.some Cichlids) and are not known for fin nipping (eg. some Barbs).

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15y ago
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15y ago

Clown fish need salt water to live in and Bettas need fresh water so they can not be kept together alive.

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14y ago

They can't get along with any fish except for a fish twice as big as the bettas

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12y ago

Betta's do not repeat not go well with any fish especially with those with long fins so don't mix them. :)

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11y ago

Male bettas are aggressive toward nearly anything that moves within their tank and would more than likely harass them to death, while females are considered community fish and should be fine.

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Peaceful fish, who aren't large enough to eat the betta. Many quicker fish like to chew on their long fins. Medium-small schooling fish (tetras, platys, mollies, non-fancy guppies) and bottom dwelling fish/frogs/snails are safe.

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Most fish get along well. However, do NOT mix betta fish with other fish. Not even another betta. You have to have a permit to have to betta fish in the same tank with eachother. Betta fish are only mixed to mate. Bettas are not born in the egg. They come out as a very small fish. After the betta babies have come out, all of the fish are seperated. Even the parents, if the betta babies are left in the tank with the others the betta parents are very likely to eat the others.

What fish can betta fish get along with?

well this won't be much help becase its not a fish but i know that snails will do veary veary well with bettas. sorry that's all i know... :)

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Any fish that does not have long fins. p.s. i have a betta named Frodo lol

Can Betta fish co exist with other fish?

It is a misconception that betta fish do not get along with other fish. While intolerant to their own species, bettas can get along with other fish so long as they are not easy to mistake for another male betta - such as fancy guppies - or fin-nipping fish like many tetras that often go for long-finned fish. Female bettas can be housed with guppies, however.

What fish don't fight with Siamese fighting fish?

No fish will really fight a Betta,unless its another Betta(male,not female,males and females get along pretty well),so i would suggest getting a Gold Mystery Snail if you dont want your Betta fighting with your fish.

Can snails go in the same tank as betta fighting fish?

Females are non-agressive and will most often leave the snail alone. If you have a male, he most likely will. It also depends on the size of the snail, the larger the snail the less likely it will be harmed, but a larger snail in turn can injury a betta if it snaps shut on the bettas head. For the most part snails and bettas don't mix well.

Can snails live with betta males and females?

Bettas LOVE to eat snails.

Can betta fish eat snails?

I have a male red Beta and a snail in the same bowl. I've never seen even him try to get at the snail.

What does a betta get along with?

Surprisenly I had 2 male betta in the same 150 gal tank with other fish and had no problems. Other fish included gouramis,tetras,angels,cory cats

Will two male Betta fish get along in the same bowl?

No, they will fight. It would stress them out.