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I guess you are asking if Betta splendens eat peaches. If that is correct then the answer is no. Betta splendens are insectivores so they eat insects and small water creatures.

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Q: Do betta fish each peaches
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Can a male betta fish be living in the same fish tank with a female betta fish?

No. Betta fish will attack each other no matter the sex.

How do betta fish have babies when the mom and dad would kill each other?

Betta fish of the opposite sex will not always kill each other. It is actually an uncommon occurrence.

Can betta fish go crazy?

I have never seen any Betta fish's go crazy, but, it is possible.

Do the kids fight each other the betta fish?


How do you stop a girl betta fish from eating a male betta fish?

You don't. Those fish are bred and born to fight each other. Keep them in seperate tanks. Sorry :(

Why your betta fish run when facing other betta fish?

The Betta fish runs away when facing another Betta because its the first time facing another one. Or its just scared of it and doesn't want to fight since its not use to it and its a FIGHTING fish. But once its use to it the other Betta they well start getting up close to each other face to face and start ripping out each others fins out and basically trying to kill each other chasing each other around.

Can a girl betta share a aquarium with boy betta?

No, they are fighting fish. They will kill each other no matter what sex they are.

Are female betta fish better than male betta fish?

Female beta fish are better in this way, they don't fight, allowing you to put them in a tank with each other as well other fish!

What fish exactly can you put in the same tank as a betta fish?

anyother fish, they only fight with each other

Can you have two male betta fish together?

NO they will attack each other

Do female betta fish like each other?

No, unless their lesbian.

How many fish can a betta eat?

Betta fish do not eat fish.