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According to Miss Eve Pearl (you can check her website), it does. =]

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11y ago

NO, unless you do more exercise daily . eat good food , drink alot of water and daily exercise ..this is the tips for healty body and cheerful.

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Q: Do Papaya enzyme and garlic tablets aid in weight loss?
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How does taking papaya enzyme supplements affect digestion and weight loss?

Original Papaya Enzyme contains the enzyme, papain, beneficial for aiding digestion, relieving indigestion and heartburn, enhancing assimilation, stimulating appetite and is beneficial for inflammatory bowel disease and is best place where you can find all papaya enzyme products

Can people lose weight by eating garlic?

Garlic has no magical ability to produce weight loss in the human body.

How many papaya did take per day for weight loss?

For maximum weight loss, zero.

Which fruit is suitable for weight loss?

Papain enzyme found in papaya is the best appetizer as well as when consumed raw helps in emulsification of fat as well. Avocados too are good in this regard. Try Lime with warm water right in the morning when you wake up. It's the best remedy as well.

What is ectoplan tablets?

Ectoplan tablets are a weight gain supplement. They are commonly taken by people who are underweight or who have trouble gaining weight.

Can papaya enzymes help you lose weight?

it's hard to find out whether it aids in weight loss or not

What is the weight variation limit of tablet?

The weight variation test is performed by taking few tablets from the batch and finding out their average weight, say 'x'.then individual tablets are weighed and deviation or % deviation from average weight is determined. There is certain acceptable range for the tablets falling in the certain weight ranges.

What is the weight of a tablets?

The weight of tablets vary. There are many in the 1.2 pound to 1.6 pound range. There are some that weigh more and less than this.

Can multivitamins tablets increase weight?


Does potassium tablets make you gain weight?


What is the BP limit of weight variation of tablets?

The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) specifies a weight variation limit of ±5% for tablets with a weight of 300 mg or less and ±3% for tablets weighing more than 300 mg. This means that individual tablets should not deviate more than these percentages from the average weight of the tablets in a batch.

Where can someone buy homeopathic weight loss tablets?

Homeopathic weight loss tablets can be purchased at nutrition stores. GNC is one store that carries these tablets. Check with your physician before starting any kind of program though.