

Do Jewish people drink cows milk?

Updated: 11/7/2022
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12y ago

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Yes, there's no prohibition against drinking cow's milk in Judaism. The only time we don't drink milk of any kind is when we are eating meat or within 6 hours of eating meat.

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Milk Milk Milk What Do Cows Drink?

With this trick question, most people will say "Milk," (which is not true) just for the fun of the questioner catching the questionee off guard. Cows drink water, not milk.

What do cows drink?

Cows drink Water

Why do people drink skimmed cows milk?

It has significantly less fat than whole milk, 2% milk, and 1% milk.

Could a cow drink human milk?

No. Cows don't need to drink milk: they drink water, not milk.

Why don't we drink milk from angus cows?

Angus cows are beef cows, not dairy cows. Holsteins are dairy cows, not beef cows, which is where we get the majority of our milk from.

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Cows milk is. Not their mothers milk is not. Cows milk will make their tummy upset. Give them water to drink.

Why do cows eat milk?

Cows do not eat (nor drink) milk. They drink water and eat forages like grass, hay, silage and grains.

Who was effected by the cow milking machine?

Dairy farmers, people whom sell milk, people whom buy milk, people whom drink milk, but above all, COWS.

Who was the first person to drink cows milk?

It is impossible to say. People have been milking cows for thousands of years so who would know ?

Why cows give milk?

Cows give milk to feed their young, but humans like it so we drink it too.

Were do cows drink milk from in their mothers body?

Cows don't drink milk, only cow babies - calves - drink milk. And it comes from their udders, which are pretty far down on their stomachs, just before their hind legs.

What kind of milk do cows drink when they need strong bones?

The only type of milk that cattle drink is cows milk, they will only drink this when they are young. The first milk, also called Colostrum, gives the calf its needed antibodies in order for survival.