They are supposed to go to the bathroom in the bedding in their cage.
They can not have cedar bedding because it has toxins in it that can kill a guinea pig.
Guinea pigs need a cage that is at least 7.5 square feet in size with a solid bottom. Provide bedding, such as hay or paper-based bedding, to keep them comfortable. Make sure the cage is placed in a quiet, draft-free area with good ventilation.
For two guinea pigs you need at least 7.5 feet of cage.
NO! That is cruel and guinea pigs will get fungal infections and there coat will get yuck! You should use a different bedding because the bedding you use is not absobent.
No its not, i guinea pigs cage is way bigger. & you should not have the same size of guinea pig cage as your hampster.
No. That is torture to a guinea pig. Guinea pigs need a huge cage 7.5 feet is recommended at a minimum!
To refresh a Guniea pigs cage means to Take out the bedding and put more in. Also it means to takeout everything in the cage and clean everything, for example like your guinea pigs food bowl and the bottom of the cage. I hope I helped!Ps.To help you can also change the water and the food.
yes they can but they prefer hay which i use as bedding.
no guinea pigs are herd animals while hamsters need there privacy
After they wee or mark their territory they drag there bottoms on the floor. it used to happen with my females. They are now house on towels and fleece
guinea pigs need a cage, food ( i recommend oxbow cavy cuisine), and timothy hay, and a water bottle. the cgae will need bedding ( recommend carefresh ultra (the white kind))