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In France, you can find mayonaise like you would in the U.S.A. and you can find mayonaise made with mustard, which gives it a very differest taste.

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Yes. French fries are a favorite especially for children. They are called 'frites' in French.

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12y ago

yes they do how else do you explain when you get french bread at stores its for Sandwiches

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Q: Do French people have French mayonnaise?
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In Pulp Fiction Vincent said that Dutch people put what on their french fries in Amsterdam?

In Pulp Fiction, Vincent said that Dutch people put mayonnaise on their french fries in Amsterdam.

What do dutch people put on french fries?

In Amsterdam, as in the rest of the Netherlands and also in Belgium, most people put mayonnaise on their french fries.

In Pulp Fictionwhat did Vincent say to Dutch that people put what on their french fries in Amsterdam?


Who invented mayonnaise and shaving cream?

i believe that the French invented Mayonnaise, but i am still researching that.

In pulp fiction Vincent said dutch people put what on their french fries?

mayonnaise instead of ketchup

Vincent said Dutch people put what on their french fries in Amsterdam?

Mayonnaise, "friet saus",(mayonnaise with herbs) at the mac donalds) Sate sauce or ketchupand you definitely have to try Joppie sauce, with Ras patat!

What is 'mayo' when translated from English to French?

"Mayo" in English means mayo, or mayonnaise in French.

What do Belgians put mayonnaise on?

Chips or if you're American french fries

What is the scientific name for mayonnaise?

There is no scientific name for Mayonnaise. The most likely origin of mayonnaise is the town of Mahon in Menorca (Spain), after Armand de Vignerot du Plessis's victory over the British at the city's port in 1756. According to this version, the sauce was originally known as "salsa mahonesa" in Spanish and "maonesa" in Catalan (as it is still known in Menorca), later becoming mayonnaise as it was popularized by the French.[6] The French Larousse Gastronomiquesuggests: "Mayonnaise, in our view, is a popular corruption of moyeunaise, derived from the very old French word moyeu, which means yolk of egg."[7]

What is the word origin of the word mayonnaise?

A French word named after Mahon, capital of Minorca to 'celebrate' its capture by the French in 1756

Which type of mayonnaise is good for salad?

Well first whattype of mayonnaise do you like and if you are serving it to people ask them

What came first Miracle whip or mayonnaise?

I would think mayonnaise came along before Miracle Whip because mayo -- before it was available commercially -- was a sauce made at home. People prided themselves on the quality of their homemade mayonnaise. I did a quickie Internet search on the history of mayo and read that it goes back at least 200 years. French origin.