Grow in a sheltered site but will full sun. Water freely and dead head to promote further growth
They will grow in full sun but prefer slight shade.
Moist, well drained, moderately fertile soil in full sun
I can not answer that question because that is the question I AM ASKING YOU!!
potatoes need about 67% of sun to grow
Mint plants grow in full sun or in partial shading. Six or more hours of full sun exposure is best.
Grow best in full sun.
The best way to grow green grapes will depend on your location and zone. Green grapes need well cultivated soil and full sun to grow in.
They like full sun.
full sun
Sure- but you need a warm home, almost full sun, great potting soil (well drained) and possibly a grow lamp.
Hostas need shade or part shade. A few varieties will grow in full sun but they would need more water. They need good organic soil.