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The history of Pizza, or a flatbread style dough, can be traced back to the 17th century. However, by the late 18th century, tomato was added to flatbread and what we now know as pizza was invented. In the 1830s, pizza was sold in open-air stands in Naples, Italy and was considered cheap fare for the working class. Antica Pizzeria Port'Alba in Naples is widely regarded as the city's first pizzeria.

Naples was also home to the first Margherita pizza. Legend has it that King Umberto I and Queen Margherita of Savoy requested pizzas from a local pizzeria. The Queen's favorite was the pizza featuring basil leaves, mozzarella, and tomatoes. It's believed the pizza was thus named after Queen Margherita.

Pizza eventually entered America after World War II when American soldiers stationed in Italy returned home. One of those soldiers eventually created the very first gas-fired pizza oven. After the invention of the pizza oven, pizzerias began opening up across the country and quickly became a favorite food among Americans.

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7y ago
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13y ago

YES! They did! Under the rule of the emperor Nero is when it all got started. Slaves would bring snow from the alps and transport it back to Rome. Unfortunately, if the snow melted, Nero would throw the slaves to the lions :(

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11y ago

Yes they did. They mixed fruit like berries and snow from the mountains around Rome and then froze it, again, using snow.

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12y ago

No, the chinese Invented Ice-Cream in 1718

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13y ago

nope and that's that.

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Q: Did the Romans make ice cream?
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Who was. The person to make ice cream?

the romans were the first makers of ice cream

How did the Romans make ice cream?

by using the simplest of things such as snow and ice.

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You don't. To make ice cream you want to make it with ice cream salt.

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I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. Seriously, Ice cream pre-dates the Victorian era The Romans had ice cream, may be not the same as we have today but they called it ice cream. As did the ancient Egyptians.

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thy called it bow

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FIRST - make ice cream with the ice cream machine. SECOND- sell the ice cream THIRD - make money you're welcome.

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in an ice cream machine :D

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ice and milk = ice cream

How do you make ice cream doodle god?

ice and milk = ice cream

How do you make ice cream in Minecraft?

There is no official way to make ice cream in Minecraft. There may be a user made mod that would allow you to make ice cream. Currently ice cream is not planned to be added to Minecraft.

How does pure cream make ice cream better?

pure is fresh ice cream

What are some brands of cream to make ice cream?

whip cream, sugar cream and ice-cream of course!