pineapple panpipe elapine pineal penile penial nipple nappie lippen alpine plena plane plain pipal pilea pepla penal pappi panel palpi nappe liane lapin elain apple appel anile anele aline alien plie plea plan pipe pine pina pile pian pial Pele pein peep peen peel pean peal pane palp pale pain pail nape lane lain ilea elan anil alee pip pin pie pia pep pen pee pea pap pan pal nip nil nee nap nae lip lin lie lei lee lea lap eel ape ani ane alp ale ain ail pi pe pa ne na li la in en el an al ai ae
Ambitious, courteous, energetic, generous and likeable are self-describing words. Neighborly, sincere, witty and youthful are self-describing words.
Athletic, ambitious and able are self describing words. Annoying, awkward and abrupt are self describing.
No, a linking word is a verb and a describing word is an adjective.
watermelon pineapple
As an adjective describing female and male words, "stor". As an adjective describing neutral words, "stort"
Some examples of one-syllable describing words are "quick," "small," "soft," "cold," "bright," and "tall."
yes because adjectives are describing words and brave is a describing word
Challenging is a describing word. Only in certain sentences eg: Today the games were exciting and challenging. The words exciting and challenging are describing words because ask yourself this question... How was the activity sheet? And if you answers challenging you are describing how the test was.
Savage, brutal, vicious, and destructive are describing words that you can use about war. Other words that describe war are bloody, grim, devastating, agonizing, and fierce.